New Hampshire Gun Bill

Bill HB 1711 - "Bradley's Law" - was introduced in the New Hampshire House of Representatives on 1/17/2024 in response to John Madore shooting up the Concord Hospital, located on Clinton Street; killing an unarmed security guard, Bradley Haas.

Bill's title:

Authorizing the state to report mental health data for firearms background check purposes and providing the processes for confiscation of firearms following certain mental health-related court proceeding and for relief from mental health-related firearms disabilities

"This bill would allow the judicial branch to report someone to the federal background check system for gun purchases if they have been involuntarily committed to a mental health facility, found not guilty by reason of insanity or found incompetent to stand trial and found by the court to be a danger to themselves or others"

Also, this bill would allow a person who has been reported to petition to get their rights back after a pre-determined amount of time.

"What this would do would say, 'ok, in 15 days you file your petition, 45 days later you've had your evaluation, and 15 days after the completion of the evaluation is when the court would schedule a heading, so within 60 days", said (((Karen Rosenberg))), of the Disability Rights Center of New Hampshire.

(((Karen Rosenberg)))

"Criminals will still be able to get their hands on guns through private transfers, the black market or through flat-out theft", said Angelo Velri, of the National Association for Gun Rights of New Hampshire.


While it may seem reasonable to have laws on the books to keep whoever is deemed mentally unfit/dangerous to not be able to have firearms, with the way the entire health system has been used in the past 5 years - both the mental health and physical health sectors - it would stand to reason that this law, too, shall be bent in the direction of tyranny like all gun bills before it.

Less than 20 years ago, if someone who was a man had claimed he was a woman while trying to purchase a firearm, he would be seen as crazy and no legit gun-dealer would sell to them. Instead, they were likely to have the police called on them at the very least. 
But now? Now it's "normal" to cut your dick off and claim you're a woman. The act of mutilating children is now an act protected by the State; so it would stand to reason that adults who mutilate themselves would have no beurecratic tape holding them back from purchasing firearms.

But, while those people have become more normalized, the people who are against that stuff have been forced to the outside of "normal"; atleast according to the larger status quo and the State. Those who protest the events of Tranny Story Time, like NSC-131 (article 1, article 2) will find themselves attacked by the State itself, and all the resources that it carries with it.
So, it would stand to reason that the State would and could deem people such as them as "mentally unfit/dangerous", and strip them of their 2nd amendment rights with no crime having been committed.

Every single gun owner in New Hampshire should be fighting this bill, and other bills, that infringe and encroach upon their 2nd amendment, God-given rights. These anti-White communists and jews will do everything they can to take away the rights of those they hate and want to see disappear.
Keep in mind, as well, that New England is already seeing a major influx - when compared to previous years - of illegal aliens being bussed and flown into our states; so every gun law that gets passed is just another way in which you won't be able to defend yourselves, your family and your communities.

Don't let them set you up for your future genocide.


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