Concord New Hampshire Hospital Shooting

Beginning around 4 pm a shooting occurred at the Concord New Hampshire Hospital, located on Clinton St.
The New Hampshire Department of Homeland Security said that just after 4 pm the police responded to
 "a situation unfolding at the New Hampshire Hospital". 

 Half an hour they added, 
"the scene was contained and the shooter is deceased".

There are multiple victims at the time of this writing (will update).

This hospital is a 185 bed facility as an Acute Psychiatric Hospital, with its own security guards and metal detector entrance-ways.

Update 1

The shooter was taken out by a New Hampshire Trooper.
Atleast 1 death, besides the shooter, has been confirmed.

Update 2

The New Hampshire Department of Safety security officer Bradley Hass - former chief of police of Franklin NH - was killed in the shooting.

 Update 3
The shooter's name has been released

The shooter's name is John Madore


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