The Browning of Vermont

Over the course of 20+ years the state of Vermont has had an influx of non-White peoples, specifically blacks. If you were to visit Vermont during the summer - especially in its major cities and southern counties - you are likely to see a hodgepodge mixture of young people, while most of the elderly you'd see in public would be White.

Some of the more liberal or unaware Vermonters I've spoken to about this rapid change either assume nothing about it, or are of the opinion that these non-Whites are just "more successful" than the Whites of Vermont; enabling them to quickly increase their numbers within the state.
But, if you were to dig your way through the Vermont grapevine, you would figure out that most of these non-Whites are "recent residents"; meaning that they had moved to Vermont within the past ~10 years or so.

So what is one of the ways in which these "newcomers" have changed Vermont?

Bill H 363

"Bill H 363 would expand the state's anti-discrimination statute, which forbids discrimination at public places such as schools, stores and restuarants, in housing, and its fair employment practices law (which covers discrimination in the workplace)."

This bill was approved in the Vermont House of Representatives on 1/31/2024 at a vote of 132-5; and will now head to the Vermont Senate.

In short: This bill, if it becomes law, would prohibit "racial discrimination by hair types, textures and styles" in all businesses, schools and public offices.

"This bill aims to prevent and erasure and minimization of the experiences of marginalized people, particularly black and brown people", said House Representative Saudia LaMont (D-Morristown)

House Representative Saudia LaMont, D-Morristown

House Representative (((Mike Mrowicki))) (D-Putney), another sponsor of the bill had this to say about the bill.

"With the population and demographic of Vermont fast changing, this bill is a common sense effort to make sure that residents are not ostracized or mistreated because of who they are".

House Representative (((Mike Mrowicki))) (D-Putney)


The state of Vermont is a small state filled with beautiful scenery, wooded areas, hills, mountains and wildlife; but most of the people leave something to be desired. 
The leftists - as always - are batshit insane; so be sure to steer clear of them when visiting Vermont. But even alot of the right-wingers in the state have little to no backbone; hence why pro-White groups such as NSC-131 have to pick up their slack for them. 
When you're in Vermont, talk to the average conservative/republican who's living in the state. You are more likely to find a person who would be classified as a Democrat 20 years ago, but calls themselves Conservative because of how warped the Overton Window has become over the past 2 decades

Vermont was once a state where people would think of when thinking about starting a family and raising their kids in a stable and kind community; but Vermont is rapidly becoming the very opposite of that dream many once had.
The capitol of Vermont, Montpelier, had gone over 100 years without a single murder happening. But this streak of peace was broken when 1 black male shot another black male because he was fucking his black female. Ever since then, Vermont has had many murders, kidnappings, rapes and missing persons.

Vermont, a state that at one time was the only state with Constitutional Carry, has lost its place as the best State for a gun owner to live in. I have already wrote a few articles about this herehere and here. The state of Vermont is no longer a free and Constitutional state for gun owners; the state doesn't have any self-protection laws to speak of. Infact, in Vermont, you have what's called "The Duty to Retreat" written in the laws. This means that, no matter your situation, you have to run away from your attackers instead of attacking them in self-defense; otherwise your attacker/s could sue you in court for injuries and damages. That's right, your attackers can sue you in Vermont if you defend yourself.

If you are planning on moving to New England, stay the fuck away from Vermont. If you must move to Vermont, move to one of the very rural areas and get off-grid as quickly as possible.


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