Vermont Communists Seizing Property

Daniel Banyai, owner of "Slate Ridge"

The town officials of Pawlet, Vermont are planning to seize the property of Daniel Banyai, for not complying with orders from the Vermont Environmental Court.
What was the orders given to him?

He is to teardown and destroy numerous buildings on his 30-acre property, including private shooting ranges and a school house.

This order came after about of residents from Pawlet - likely a bunch of fucking New Yorkers and New Jersians - complained to the officials about the gun-fire on his private property. Several of these out-of-staters have claimed to have been at the receiving end of threats and intimidation; but if this were true, the cops would of been involved much sooner.

Mr Daniel Banya has been the owner of the 30-acre property since 2013, and began training locals in firearm safety and shooting around 2017. This 30-acre property was a survival-training camp of sorts; teaching people not only about firearms, but about outdoor survival and emergency medical training.

Despite this being his private property, on a huge chunk of his own private land, the town of Pawlet decided to issue him a violation notice for "building numerous structures on the property without zoning approval".

He was then ordered - in March 2021 - by the Vermont Environmental Court to "end any/all firearms training at the center and remove the unpermitted structures/buildings". The Judge who gave the order is Judge Thomas Durkin.

What is this "Vermont Environmental Court"? I have only heard of this a couple times, so let's take a look at their own website.

Mission Statement: "The mission of the Vermont Judiciary is to provide equal access to justice, protect individual rights, resolve, legal disputes fairly and timely, and provide everyone the opportunity to have their day in court".
Our Vision: "The people of Vermont will have trust and confidence in the Vermont state courts because the courts are fair, impartial, accessible, responsive, consistend, free of descrimination, independent, and well-managed".

Does the force-acquired and forceful disposal of private property sound like "protecting the individual's rights"? Do these Vermont Environmental Courts also go after non-Whites and communists who disrupt the peace of their neighbors in more densely packed areas of the state? Ofcourse not!

Communists Declare Militias Illegal

In response to Mr Daniel Banyai exercizing his Constitutional rights, Vermont State Senator Philip Baruth - a Democrat from Burlington - introduced a bill in the Vermont Legislator earler last year to "ban paramilitary training centers in the state".
This bill is, at face value, anti-Constitutional. The 2nd amendment is clear that the individual has the right to keep and bear arms, and that he has the right to associate with others for the purpose for any Constitutionally-protected purpose. In short: Vermont has been taken over by Communists completely, and will arrest anyone who tries to teach another about gun safety in the safety of a gun-range or private property.
Baruth introduced this bill after hearing officials say that there was nothing they could do about Mr Banyai and his property, because it didn't violate any state laws

If Daniel Banyai doesn't comply with the un-Constitutional Communist orders by June 23rd, his $200-a-day fines will come to $105,000; along with being ordered to jail. Meanwhile the town's officials would enter his property and destroy anything they deem fit of destroying.


Is anyone surprised that the same state that allows jews to run their government, would be the same state that allows its government's unelected officials to steal and destroy the private property of one of its citizens? This is the same state that, while many who live there love to boast about their Constitutional Carry of firearms, are the same ones that gleefully accepted magazine restriction and bans after a mass shooting happened thousands of miles away in a completely different state.
This is the same state where you will find more churches with rainbow and BLM flags flown in front of their entrances, than you will find genuine christians practicing their faith.

The Green Mountaineers are spinning in their graves over the state of Vermont and its pacified and pussified population.


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