James Edward Cote

James Edward Cote

James Edward Cote

Last Known Address:



Age: 41
Sex: Male
Race: White
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6' 
Weight: 170lbs


13v3252a3 - Sexual Assault-victim <16 Yrs
01 July 2004

Scars, Marks and Tattoos

Tattoo on R_arm (PINSONNEAULT),Tattoo on R_knee (TRIBAL SYMBOL),Tattoo on R_knee (PAIR OF DICE),Tattoo on L_Hand (CHINESE SYMBOL),Scar on Face (),Scar on chin (),Piercing on L_ear (),Tattoo on L_Thigh (PISCES),Tattoo on Shoulder (TRIBAL BAND),Tattoo on Head (BAR CODE BACK OF THE HEAD),Tattoo on L_arm (JAMES)

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