Vermont Mother: "He Dindu Nuffin"

Cathy Austrian

Back in May of 2023, Cathy Austrian had called the police on her adopted black son because he had came home with dozens of stolen vapes from a convience store in Burlington, Vermont. She wanted her adopted child - who "has struggled for years with behavioral and mental health issues" - to learn right from wrong; but she quickly learned how stupid that decision was.

To truly give this story a rundown, I must speak about what allegedly transpired before her son - who was 14 at the time - had done before coming home.

Earlier that day the workers at the convience store where her son had allegedly stolen from had called the cops after he had left with the stolen vapes.
The cashiers told the police that the (black) teen thretened them with a mallet and a knife - which Cathy Austrian claimed was just kitchen sheers. 

Shortly after interviewing the convience store workers, the police visited Austrian's house around 7:30pm. Body cam footage shows that Cathy Austrian had told the police that her biracial adopted son has had a rough week, shortly before handing over a bag of stolen vapes and telling them that there was more upstairs.

10 minutes later her biracial adopted son was on the floor, screeming and thrashing, as the officers held down his arms and legs.

"It was just like an animal being pinned down", Cathy Austrian said.
"I don't think they were responding to my child as a child. I think they were responding to my child as a Black man", she added.

Paramedics on the scene had to administer ketamine tranqualizer in order to calm down the 14 year old biracial son. According to the Burlington Fire Department, the paramedics had consulted with a physician before administering the ketamine.

The biracial 14 year old was charged with retail theft, assault of a protected professional and assault with bodily fluids. The total value of the stolen vapes was $808, according to a police incident report. According to the same police, the case was referred to the Burlington Community Justice Center - which provides an alternative path to resolving charges without going through the court system - and they, along with Police Chief Jon Murad, concluded that it constituted an appropiate use of force.

But according to Jay Diaz - an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union of Vermont - he feels differently.

"There is no need to engage someone physically, where they don't present any kind of danger to the officer, themselves or others. Full stop".

Jay Diaz, attorney with American Civil Liberties Union of Vermont

So, because her biracial adopted teen son decided to steal nearly $1,000 worth of property from a convience store in Burlington Vermont, and decided to get physical when police tried to confiscate the stolen property, his hippie and aging adoptive-mother wants to sue the very same first responders for "failing to consider her son's disabilities when initiating physical contact, needlessly escalated the encounter, subjecting the teen to disproportionate and unnecessary force". Cathy Austrian also maintain that her son was discriminated against for being black.
Specifically, the suit alleges that the first responders violated Article 11 of the Vermont Constitution, which prohibits unjustified and unreasonable use of force. It also alleges that the first responders violated Vermont's Fair Housing and Public Accommodation Act, which protects against discrimination based on race and disability, and requires police and paramedics to be appropiately trained on how to provide accommodations for people with disabilities.

Cathy Austrian and her adopted biracial 14 year old son


When reading this article, keep in mind that, even though the biracial adopted son was only 14 years old, he was already 5 foot 8 inches tall, weighing around 230 pounds. Most normal teens around that age don't reach that weight unless they're really fat or are body-builders; so trying to man-handle someone of such a weight without throwing punches would be a tough ordeal for anyone.

This woman is common in Vermont, and many other parts of New England. The kind of woman who's empathy, by the way of brainwashing, has bent her into adopting and fighting on behalf of someone who's highly likely to become a career-criminal in his near future; the biracial teen is already approaching felony-levels of theft at the age of 14 for fuck's sake.
But this problem plagues so many White Leftist woman nowadays, because it plays into their natural maternal instincts. In their minds they are "helping out the unfortunate" by specifically adopting non-Whites, joining goups that revolve around non-Whites and fighting on behalf of non-Whites against Whites and systems that were originally created by Whites. These people genuinely believe that they are doing good for the world by endangering themselves, their families, their friends and the communities around them by helping out the types of people who could not care less about them if the shoe was on the other foot.

Do you ever see these types of women fighting on behalf of all the White children that get screwed over by the police? Do you ever see them protesting when yet another White child or adult was murdered and/or raped by a non-White or illegal alien invader? Do you ever see them suing organization and established systems on behalf of Whites who were discriminated against and abused because of their race?
No, you will not. To these types of people, Whites are born with eternal sin; whereas the non-Whites, in their minds, are just victims of circumstance and bigotry. These people are the ones who would open the gates to the invaders back in the old days of forts and castles.


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