N.H House Votes to Ban Gender Reassignment Surgery for Children

on Thursday, 1/4/2024, the New Hampshire House passed legislation banning "gender reassignment surgery" for minors.

12 New Hampshire House Democrats also voted in favor of the ban.

"I will fight until my very last day until they are recognized as human beings", said Representative Jonah Wheeler. "But the question before us is whether or not children under the age of 18 should be able to get these surgeries. And I, despite being a liberal who believes in these human rights, do not think that is the case".

Opponents to the bill have said that this ban could cause harm.

"It's not right for New Hampshire. It's not right for the transgeder community", said New Hampshire House Representative Gerri Cannon, one of the state's first openly transgender lawmakers. "And I hope that our young people don't take this message badly, because I'm concerned about the health of many young transgender people".

State Representative Alissa Murray - a jewish tranny - had this to say about the bill's passing on social media.

"I know being a trans legislator wouldn't be easy, but I learned today just how hard it could be. Listening to my colleagues debate my humanity and my rights, and to have people I though were my friends vote against them. Words can't describe the pain of betrayal like this".

This bill will be going to the New Hampshire Senate, before going to the desk of the Governor.


Is is this writer's opinion that the New Hampshire House did something good yesterday, and fought back against the insane groomers we now call transgender "people".

The only reason any troon would be in favor of pusing their shit onto children is for the purposes of grooming these children. If these people truly only "just wanted to be who they are", then they would have no need or inclination to try to push their ways onto the youth. If these people genuinely believed that they are "normal" and healthy, then they wouldn't need to try to pander to the youth; they would just naturally agree with them. 
But they don't, because even children can tell that trannies are little more than abominations pretending to be miracles.


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