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Noah Bishoff |
Below is the letter sent by Jim Jordan in regards to this.
Below are the essentials:
- Conducting oversight of federal law enforcement's receipt of info about American citizens without legal process and its engagement with the private sector.
- The Committee and Subcommittee obtained documents indicating that following 1/6/2021, FinCEN distributed materials to financial institutions that, among other things, outline the "typologies" of various persons of interest and provide financial institutions with suggested search terms and Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) for identifying transactions on behalf of federal law enforcement.
- These materials include a document recommending the use of generic terms like "Trump" and "MAGA" to search Zelle payment messages, as well as a "priot FinCEN analysis" of "Lone Actor/Homegrown Violent Extremism Indicators"
- According to this analysis, FinCEN warned financial institutions of "extremism" indicators that include "transportation charges, such as bus tickets, rental cars, or plane tickets for travel to areas with no apparent purpose", or "the purchase of books (including religious texts) and subscriptions to other media containing extremist views".
- In other words: FinCEN urged large financial institutions to comb through the private transactions of their customers for suspicious charges on the basis of protected political and religious expression.
But this isn't all that FinCEN is being called into question for.
This addition to the letter outlines some of the codes that FinCEN "urged" private businesses and financial organizations to comb for.
- FinCEN also distributed slides explaining how other financial institutions can use MCC codes to detect customers whose transactions may reflect "potential active shooters, who may include dangerous International Terrorists/Domestic Terrorists/Homegrown Violent Extremists"
- Codes included:
- 5091: Sporting and Recreational Goods and Supplies
- 3484: Small Arms
- 3489: Ordnance and Accessories
- 5099: Durable Goods
- 5933: Pawn Shops
- 7999: Recreation Services
- Among many others
While it may be obvious to those who value privacy above all else, the vast majority of people don't even have a single clue about the amount of information that governments and businesses collect on them on a daily basis. If you were to lay out all the ways in which they are spied on and cataloged, they would look at you like you're a nutjob whose hit the crack-pipe 1 too many times. To the average person, the concept of privacy is only as expansive to the things they physically hold onto (journals, precious metals, cash, jewelry, etc); they care very little about their digital privacy.
Due to this apathy towards their own digital privacy, the masses give out swaths of information to their governments and mega-corporations that they frequent every day on their way to work or when having a night out in the town. This collected information that is collected on the masses is used to build many different types of prediction models, and the more information that gets collected, the better these models become.
These models can be use for price-pridiction models when it comes to the stocks or cryptocurrencies; they could be used to build threat-models for individuals/groups that the government deems "prohibited"; among many other types of models. The nature of these models is that they have a semi-feedback loop, where the information that is parsed and incorporated is used to refine and "shift" the newer information that comes into the model; thus refining its variable-control and expanding its predictive capabilities.
So what can be done to mitigate, or even eliminate, your addition of information to the building of these models?
First and foremost, your physical privacy is your best defense against being cataloged and modeled. There are many levels/tiers to disguises, and each level/tier has its pros and cons, depending on the situation. As you go up through the tiers of Physical Anonymity, you will employ a combination of all the levels/tiers below your currently-required one, because they will have a cumulative effect on the protection of privacy they give to you. Mix and Match to find what works best for each situation and location.
Level/Tier 1: Covering the mouth and nose.
This is the most basic way to disguise yourself in a quick pinch when the situation arises. Due to the responses to Covid and the lockdowns, it is more socially accepted to wear a simple mask that covers the mouth and nose.
This provides very rudementary coverage of the tip of the nose, inner-cheeks, lips, chin and even the cheek-bones if the mask is large enough. Though this coverage is only sufficient for very basic Facial Recognition programs used by people and businesses of little capital/resources.
Level/Tier 2: Covering the Eyes/Iris
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IR-Shield - Reflectacles |
While a simple mask can help block the lower portions of your face, it will do nothing to hide the iris of your eyes from being recorded by security cameras and hidden cameras.
Most normal sunglasses will do little to nothing to block the IR function of Facial Recognition programs ran on cameras that use IR. If you were to look directly at a IR-capable camera while wearing normal sunglasses, the camera's IR feed would be able to see your eyes nearly as plain as day; making it possible to scan the iris of your eyes.
But with technologies - such as Reflectacles - you can hide your eyes from being scanned and cataloged.
Level/Tier 3: Facial Prosthetics
While a mask and IR-blocking glasses are a good start for anonymyzing yourself with a disguise, your first true step into true Physical Anonymity starts with Facial Prosthetics.
With these you are able to mold the shape of nearly your whole body. By doing so, you can change the way these Facial Recognition programs collect the data from you, by basically giving it false-info. For the most basic types of Facial Recognition software, an iterative method of placing triangles of varying sizes on your face is used to build the "measurements" of your facial bone structure; by adding in more and more false-info to these data collections, you can "throw off" the program.
But keep in mind: just a single small piece of prosthetic is only going to throw in its false-info as a tiny portion of the sum total of information that the program would collect from you. So the more you use, the less true info can these programs gleen from you.
Level/Tier 4: Full Body Coverage
A full body covering is one of the best ways in which to disguise/obfuscate the information that these Facial and Gait recognition programs can gather on you.
Depending on the country and culture you come from, and the place you reside in, a full body covering could be the perfect tool for hiding yourself from these camera spy programs. If used in conjunction with previous levels/tiers, a full-body covering can turn you from a person who's giving off loads of biometric information to the cameras spying on you, into a roughly human-shaped figure and nothing more. If this full-body covering utilizes IR and UV blocking/absorbing materials, then it's privacy benefits increase tremendously; allowing you to keep those with the means to use IR and UV visual technologies to see through clothing and buildings away from being able to do the same to yourself.
Level/Tier 5: Facial and Anatomy Reconstruction
This level/tier is usually only ever used by the most committed of spies and sabateurs at the national and international levels, but still comes in handy to anyone who's needs may reach such heights.
This level of disguise is usually a permenant addition; being both costly and time entensive. As many jews are aware, this level of disguise is good enough to fool most people who know little to nothing about physiognomy or pattern recognition - both of which are needed to track down the most dangerous of people - so this level/tier of disguise certainly has a track record of its successes.
While most people would only opt-in for a simple nose-job or a "touch up" on their wrinkles, those who are doing this for the privacy aspect would get a complete reconstruction of their facial bone structure. Not only that, they would also have modifications done to their limbs - in order to throw off Gait Recognition programs. By doing so, the person would essentially, in all but DNA, become a completely different person.
This ability to become a completely new person would certainly have its benefits to those who have an utmost need for extreme privacy, but its cons would out-weigh any benefits it may provide to those with an average need for privacy.
Level/Tier 6: Body Doubles
At this level you are likely either a President, a really famous Actor or TV star, a controversial Politician or a very powerful kingpin of some kind; very very few average people would ever need this level of privacy.
At this level of privacy all the previous levels/tiers would also be utilized by the body double in the same way that you would utilize them. After all; what would be the point of having a body double if they didn't have your mannerisms and habits?
For the longest time the conventional method of obtaining a body double is by scouring the world for anyone who could be isolated from the world AND looked similar enough to you, so that they could then have surgery done to fine-tune their looks to be more like the person they are body-doubling for.
A more newer method devised by several governments was to run several "Juvenile Rehabilitation Centers", where they would instead train children from a very young age to eventually become someone's body double. These children would be kidnapped at the earliest ages possible, making their molding/forming process more substantive and have a higher chance of success, along with cutting down on anti-social and anti-authoritative behaviors in the subjects.
A more recent method - in this writer's opinion - is the method of cloning.
After the introduction of Dolly The Sheep, the technology of cloning full-sized animals - instead of just cloning single-celled organizms - came into the public world. This introduction came in 1996, 28 years ago, where a baby sheep was cloned from living Adult cells that were taken from a living Scottish Blackface Sheep.
With this advent of cloning technology, it would only make sense that - as with all other forms of technology - this one has too gotten better and more complex over the course of years since its introduction to the public. Keep in mind: this is what the public had access to; this has nothing to do with what the governments/militaries around the world might be working on in secret.
So, from this fact alone, it would stand to reason that the technology - if not the public version, then the private government/military versions - are sufficiently advanced enough by now in order to be able to create fully-operational human clones.
If this truly is the case, then only the most wealthy of the wealthy, and the most powerful of the most powerful, will have access to such technologies. The leaking of this tech would throw a huge wrench into society, causing who knows what to happen.
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