The Future is Fucked

As the year of 2023 comes to an end, I like to think about all that has happened during this past years and see just where those patterns are going. 
In just the past 3 years so much has been torn down, destroyed, corrupted, sanitized, negrified and judaized, and completely inverted from what it once was. Thousands of statues depicting European/White history and struggles, torn down to appease those who salivate at the idea of genociding Whites in the streets with no impunity. Hundreds upon hundreds of historical buildings - some older than the U.S itself - burned down or damaged beyond use. Hundreds of White men, women and children attacked on the streets by their browner "fellow citizens", solely for having White skin.

In the meantime we had President Donald Trump virtue signaling about "the lowest rates of unemployment for blacks, hispanics and asians" during the end of his presidency, instead of using his power as President to quell and put down the real insurrection that the BLM and Communist agents of the Left had attempted in the summer of 2020. But what did he choose to do instead? Pardon a bunch of black rappers who made music videos about killing MAGA Whites, and a couple dozen jews who were convicted for spying on America for the state of Israel. He never pardoned anyone who was forced into defending themselves when they found themselves at the whims of a horde of angry blacks and communists armed with knives, bats and firearms. He never pardoned any of the dozens of people who were arrested for using their firearms within their own home to defend themselves and their families during the 2020 BLM/Communist riots.
Zion Don doesn't care about you White people unless it's election season; and even then, he can barely muster anything that isn't more than simple boilerplate platitudes that are so general and vague that anyone who isn't a straight up traitor to America would agree with (fix the economy, etc).

While this writer is pro-White, I am under no illusion that there will be any political figure that will come along and solve our problems; because the problems that trouble us the most are not external, but internal. We have allowed our competitors and our enemies to mold us to their liking, so that they may benefit at the cost of our sweat, blood and turmoil. We have allowed ourselves to be chicken cooped into believing that we need their ways and society in order to survive as a people.
It was our ancestors that built the Western world and its traditions, not theirs.
It was our forefathers who sweat, cried and bled to bring forth the kind of world they'd like for their descendants; not for the descendants of others.

But so many of us have forgotten that, or simply don't care anymore. Try speaking to your average normie about what their ancestors might of wanted for them; they won't have a clue, nor will care in the slightest. The average person has been so individualized and atomized to the point where they have 0 connection to the past beyond any niche interest; nobody has a real grasp on history and its importance anymore, certainly not those you run into on the streets.

A people who has forgotten its past will never have a future.

This doesn't even take into account of the horrible intersex relations between Men and Women nowadays, especially among Whites. Anyone under the age of 50 is well aware of the absolute minefield that is dating in the "modern world".
I don't need to go over the statistics of Women initiating divorce, getting alimony, chance of cheating per number of bodies a woman has, the increase of incurable STDs and new STDs being discovered every other year, the ridiculously high expectations that women have for men, and the general anti-feminine demeanor most women seem to have now. Anyone who has spent any amount of time scrolling through any social media can see this for themselves.
There's no point in "online dating" for any guy who's a 7 or under and isn't filthy rich; not only can I attest to this, but millions of other guys can too. All they'll see on these apps are actual scammers, impersonators and bot-accounts trying to doxx/blackmail the men on those apps; only those who are in the top 10%, or shell out money for the "improved discoverability features", will interact with mostly real women on those apps.
And the local scene? Well for this writer, the local scene is beyond fucked. Every woman I've known throughout my life has become single mothers, drug addicts, alcoholics, rapid anti-White leftists, coal-burners or just left this region of the U.S completely. The few women who did not end up like this had gotten married early and stayed married.
This writer has given up on the idea of meeting someone, both online or IRL. My last interest had shown me why I shouldn't trust women, because they will tell you one thing but say something different to someone else. Hell, they'll even allege that the people who she still talks to on social media were the ones who stalked her IRL, in order to generate sympathy from you; knowing full well that they are lying through their teeth.

I've become very despondent about the future; both for myself and for my people.


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