Vermont Vaxx 2023

CDC Stats

General notes

  • 2023 Vermont Population: 648,737
  • Total Vaxx Doses (booster included); VT Residents Only: 1,700,000 | Non-Residents Included: 1,800,000 
  • 35% of Vt is boosted.
  • 32% of Non-Whites are boosted; 34% of Whites are boosted.
  • 76% of females (301,547) are boosted; 64% of Males boosted (293,399)

  • 80% (623,989) of Vermont took the vaxx
  • 85% (46,450) of Non-Whites took the vaxx; 77% (577,539) of Whites took the vaxx
  • Age Ranges
    • 5 - 11: 54%
    • 12 - 17: 71%
    • 18 - 29: 64%
    • 30 - 39: 85%
  • 82% (315,673) of Females vaxxed; 77% (308,316) of Males vaxxed
  • 78% of Whites vaxxed
  • White Age Ranges
    • 5 - 11: 49%
    • 12 - 30: 62%
    • 31 - 64: 81%

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